Comforter Art Action Blanket # 105
- 2012 - Mayne Island Sewing Circle, Mayne Island, Canada with E. Mari and K. Boggild. The top is fabricated by K. Boggild from her stash of scraps and leftovers from her many household sewing projects.
- July 17 2013 - July 26 2013 P. Calore (BORDER ANGELS) escorts Blanket # 105 from Vancouver, Canada to San Diego, USA - by car, bus, and train.
August 30 2013 - P. Calore hosts a label sewing event at her place in San Diego. Thank you Gloria, Edna, Juliana and Elizabeth (BORDER ANGELS volunteers) for your help with this final sewing action!
- September 22, 2013 - Pamela Calore and other BORDER ANGELS volunteers deliver Comforter Art Action Blanket # 105 and others to "Casa Refugio Micaela" in Tijuana, Mx. About half of the blankets in this Tijuan-bound shipment were taken to this shelter and the other half were distributed out of doors to the people living in a relief campsite for displaced people living in and around the canels in Tijuana, Mx.