Comforter Art Action Blanket # 106
- 2011 - The top is fabricated at Lois Klassen's studio, Vancouver, Canada
- 2012 - Finished at Mayne Island Sewing Circle, Mayne Island, Canada with E. Mari and K. Boggild.
- July 17 2013 - July 26 2013 P. Calore (BORDER ANGELS) escorts Blanket # 106 from Vancouver, Canada to San Diego, USA - by car, bus, and train.
August 30 2013 - P. Calore hosts a label sewing event at her place in San Diego. Thank you Gloria, Edna, Juliana and Elizabeth (BORDER ANGELS volunteers) for your help with this final sewing action!
- September 22, 2013 - Pamela Calore and other BORDER ANGELS volunteers deliver Comforter Art Action Blanket # 106 and others to "Casa Refugio Micaela" in Tijuana, Mx. About half of the blankets in this Tijuan-bound shipment were taken to this shelter and the other half were distributed out of doors to the people living in a relief campsite for displaced people living in and around the canels in Tijuana, Mx.