FABRICATION (Location & Date):
- This blanket was first produced as a backdrop in a street installation called Together Maze (2012) by members and guests of the Mano Mano Collective. It was for a short time a part of a fabric maze that challenged people on the street to get involved in art and craft installations. Unfortunately, the wind was fierce that day, and all of our panels were either knocked down or taken down in a hurry. As an artwork, the blanketed declared how the words "Social", "Public Engagement", "Community", "Colaboration", "Art Action" and even "Comforter" are worn but cozy....
- It was so big, it has been combined with Princess City (see 115) and turned into another blanket (see 117).
- On December 10, 2014 this blanket was delviered along with blankets #112-121 to a shelter for children in San Diego. Pam Calore introduced Comforter Art Action to this shelter and accompanied us on the delivery, along with artist Angel Chen (Taiwan).