FABRICATION (Location & Date):
- On December 1, 2014 I met Karen Gomes (Vancouver) at Moberly Community Centre where she passed to me this beautiful blanket made from squares in the Comforter Art Action stash. Karen had finished this one and #121.
- Like blanket #119, I am pretty sure that this fabric came from Lois Houge of Langley.
- Thank you to the Moberly Arts & Cultural Centre for being such an accomodating host for these meetings and for stashing the Comforter Art Action stash!
- On December 10, 2014 this blanket was delviered along with blankets #112-121 to a shelter for children in San Diego. Pam Calore introduced Comforter Art Action to this shelter and accompanied us on the delivery, along with artist Angel Chen (Taiwan).